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Y-Knot History

Founded - 1980      Member WPSRDF   

Our Thursday dance begins at 7:30 pm at the North Hills Community Baptist Church

The Y-Knot Square and Round Dance Club was founded in 1980 by caller Lois Wolfson at a local "Y" (hence our name). It remained a caller's'club until 1985 when a board of officers was elected. Lois retired as the club caller in 1999. Since then, Jim Yoest has been our regular caller.

Claire and John Miller began cueing for Y-Knots in September of 1990, alternating weeks with Lloyd and Eileen Lockerman. Claire and John continued ceing full-time until a few years ago.

For specific information and the schedule for our next series of activities for new dancers, please call Barb: 724-266-3232

Y-Knot Dance Club
Comments, questions, corrections, suggestions?
Contact: yknotwebmaster@gmail.com   Copyright © 2017